Tag Archives: scenic design

The Pumpkin of Doom

Pumpkin of Doom

This project involves using board foam, layered together and sealed and painted, to create a very unique prop, although the techniques translate to other projects easily. I once designed the show Revenge of the Space Pandas, which is a children’s theater piece by Mamet.  Yep, you read that right!  Mamet wrote some children’s theater, and… Continue Reading

A different kind of Castle Painting with Blocks

Scenic Painting

All theaters work under constraints, so it’s good to know some ways to get the “effect” you want with less investment from time to time.  In this case, the budget and time frame were both short and so I needed to make it feel like a castle interior quickly without spending much. This show, The… Continue Reading

Rock Wall: A Quick Effective Model technique

Scenic Models

For the purpose of this tutorial, the wall we are making is made of cut rocks for a formal English garden that is barren of plant life.  I’m not going to talk much about the design process or style choices on this one.  This article is more about the how to than the why.  … Continue Reading